Thursday 7 November 2013

Speaking Skills

Another interesting web tool for practicing speaking skills is Present Me ( I have a crowded class of 10-year-old ss and, as you can imagine, I don’t have enough time to check all of my ss’ speaking performances. I have been teaching “will” for predictions at school and vocab. on “gadgets” so I was thinking that ss, in pairs, can design a future gadget  and describe it. They can record their descriptions and upload their recordings on Present Me, together with a drawing of the gadget they have invented. In this way, ss can listen to themselves and record their audios as many times as they like until they get a final version.

A third tool ss can use at school, but now in my Literature lessons, is Go Animate ( I was thinking that instead of ss writing boring summaries on the different chapters from the book we are reading, they can make videos using this tool. They can summarize the chapters read in class and design the backgrounds of the different scenes plus adding a recording for the different characters’ speeches. They can even do this activity in groups so that there is negotiation of meaning among ss.

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