Monday 28 October 2013

TPCK: Case Study 1.3, cross curricular story writing

In Istambul, Ozge, an English teacher as a second language, decided to create with her 5 or 6-year-old ss a talking book based on same imaginary characters. The aim of this project was to make ss practice the vocabulary seeing in class.
This was a cross-curricular project, which means that other departments were also involved in it. For example in “art lessons”, ss had to design the characters of this book and their animations.
The idea here was that ss could integrate the vocabulary learnt in class by recording and writing a narrative for the story.
Later on, these ss published an e-book with the characters they had invented. Besides, they produced an online game with characters of their e-book in order to help other ss around the world practice the vocab from the talking book.

Analysis of this project according to TPCK model:
-         Context: Instambul, at Terakki Foundation School.
-         Content: Vocabulary learnt in the English class.
-         Pedagogy: Ss were asked to write collaboratively a narrative integrating learnt vocabulary. Besides, these ss were asked to design games where they could practice the new vocabulary contextually.
There was collaborative work throughout the project.
-         Technology: One of the technological devices used here by ss was the “sound recorder”, which was used by some ss to record the narratives they had written.

Personal reflection:
This case study was a great example of how technology can be integrated in the classroom in a meaningful way and with a clear pedagogical purpose behind.

This project, then, proved that TPCK model is interested in the learner, his/her needs and most importantly, how to make him/her overcome his/her difficulties using technology in a significant and relevant way.  

Sunday 27 October 2013

Social bookmarking: Diigo

I have been using this social bookmarking for 3 years now and it has helped me a lot. I can bookmark sites I like and I can even highlight stuff I find interesting and/or useful.
Have a look at my account:

Hope you find this site as useful as I do!

Twister: message # 2

This is my second Tweet.You can try this site in order to start using this class tool:

Twister: message # 1

I love this class digital tool. I already knew about templates and even used them in my lessons, but I made them myself with different pictures taken from Google images. It was hard work and time consuming. 
I will definitely use this template in my lessons from now on. 
There are other tools I've also tried, like "faKebook", which is as great as this one. 

Friday 25 October 2013

SAMR Model

Trying to find information on the SAMR Model, I came across this web page which summarizes pretty much the main concerns of this theory:
Even though I strongly believe teachers should use more technology in the classroom, I don’t think it is always a possible thing to do… Mainly because not every student in our country has the possibility to acquire a technological device of his/her own because they are a bit expensive. Besides, many teachers are not fond of technology and so because they are afraid of it, they don’t use it and they don’t let students use technology either. Still, I believe that students belong to the digital era, and so teachers should try to do their best to overcome this digital divide.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Hi, there! Welcome to my blog!!! I'll be posting  my reflections and opinions about using techno in the classroom.

Here's my avatar. I chose this format because I love Monsters, Inc. Hope you like it too!
I think that using Avatars in the class is a good way of fostering motivation in students for they might be eager to express themselves and their likes in a different and funny way.